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Jump in the best place to go skydiving in all of Mexico!
Right where the Caribbean Ocean meets the whitest sands of the Riviera Maya.

Visitors parachute above one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Feel the wind in your face, experience a sensation of free fall for about a minute before the parachute opens, feel the tension in the muscles and the adrenaline rush is one of the things you feel when you parachute in the Riviera Maya being Playa del Carmen the place chosen by thousands of fans of this sport.

The blue of the Caribbean Sea and the sandy beaches melt as they approach at high speed to the paratroopers. The landing is usually done in areas enabled on the beach, which makes it a very suitable end to the experience.

Add this adventure in your life plan.

After skydiving, you will feel that you can do almost anything.

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